Hi from Notts. UK

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by mattinsutton, May 28, 2010.

  1. Hey there, I'm a noob to this forum. Been experimenting with herbs for many years and wanted somewhere to talk openly and discuss things related to smoking. Anyway drop by and say hello. I'm pretty friendly and will talk to anyone. :):smoking:
  2. hey :) i was born+raised in nottingham, still go there all the time to see old friends/family

    how u doing?
  3. I'm pretty good thanks :). How abouts yourself? I'm loving this forum, theres loads of useful info.
  4. not too bad thanks, it's 10am and im already nicely baked :p:smoking:
    yeh there is, i learnt alot from GC.
  5. :wave:

    I'm coming up to visit family/friends and the university later this month in Nottz.
    These forums are great for information.
  6. Cool dude, Im studying at Uni in Nottingham at the moment. Theres so much potent green around the city. Its great.

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