Hi babes and dudes!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NuckinFutz, Jan 27, 2002.

  1. Newbee here! Just like to say if you give me any shit - I can take it! A very special Hello to all 'the cool, peace-loving, whale-saving, nature groovers here'. As for all the agro-types here (if there are any?) who gives a damn man!

    You may from time to time, notice some odd type insertions in my posts, but don't take much heed to it - it's just me experimenting with the capabilities of the Forums.
    Still learning......................................................................................................

    Attached Files:

  2. Hi NuckinFutz! This is a friendly place Dude! Welcome.
  3. hey man, glad to have you around hombre.....am i high or did you just talk to yourself man?

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