When I went to check http://www.highgrade-seeds.com, the site is down for me. 404 Anyone else experiencing this, or know why?
I did like 2 hours researching what site is likely the best to order from, after finally choosing HGS, I quickly found there site is down, damn : P ahwell, patience is a virtue in this hobby rite? : )
I'm looking to pick some up asap, I'm just curious if you know a rough time frame hgs will be back up and running? xD
I am glag to hear that the site will be back .I really like that site and the products,great customer service also .Can't be beat IMHO.
Even when his website is down, HGS responds in record time to emails. Gotta give him rep for this excellent customer service.
i do not have a time table from HG but it may take threw the weekend.....as long as this thread is here a post will be made when it's up