Hey :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Trabado, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. hi, i'm new here, this is my first post :hello: im from colombia :smoke: its almost 3:00 am and i just got really high because i couldnt sleep, so i came here and decided to post a few of my pics :)

  2. hey nice pics, loving the top one. Welcome to grass city :)
  3. nice dank welcome aboard
  4. Welcome to the city.
    Its nice to see dank from other countries.
  5. I am glad to see you buddies.:D
  6. dude..
    wtf have you been gridning in your grinder
    that shit looks like it needs a good cleaning..
  7. some regular i had the other day... but i dont know how to clean that off!
  8. hmm, tough zip lock.
    highest proof rubbing alcohol u can find
    rock salt.
    shake it till its clean man
    found taht shit out couple months ago haha
  9. nice colombian dankage how much does some good herb like those 1st 2 pics run you down there? (usd if you can)

  10. sure man, it actually depends a lot on your dealer or connections u have, most dealers are gonna try to sell you some really good mids for dank, but once you get to know the ones that won't scam you, then it's all good, im gonna tell you some standard prices; i can get 5 gram bag of good hydro for $25.000 pesos (about 13$ usd) a 5 gram bag of really good mids u can get for about 5 - 7$ usd
    and u buy an ounce of reggies for exactly 2.65$,
    Now for bigger amounts, an ounce of Dank of something like, white widow, skunk, or ak47 is about 53$usd(it's a 35 gram bag), and a higher grade dank, costs around 80$usd (right now they have haze or kush) and its also a 35 gram bag.
    hope thats good info :p

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