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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Subterranean, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - 7th heaven pot smoking episode HILARIOUS![/ame]
    [ame=]YouTube - Re: 7th heaven pot smoking episode HILARIOUS![/ame]
    [ame=]YouTube - 7th heaven stoners remix music video[/ame]
    [ame=]YouTube - 427th Heaven (Dad Finds Joint Remix)[/ame]
  2. welcome :wave: you love 7th heaven?
  3. rofl! i only watched the first one but laughed my ass off. i'm gonna have to wait till i'm high later to enjoy the rest
  4. i'll come back and watch these when i'm baked
  5. "WAIT, then who's joint is it?!"

    "I can't believe you!"

    i luled.
  6. lololololololololololololol

    I love how the kids are shocked and appauled, and soooo anti-drug... but also say it would be none of their business if their parents wanted to smoke.
  7. the thing mary said kinda made me feel bad idk why
    "it's one of those mistakes you can never take back."
  8. I have seen these before. I will admit, they are much funnier now while baked!
  9. it was fuuny but they make it seem like pot is the worst drug in the world
  10. Well what was the show supposed to do?

    After the dad sends the daughters upstairs he pulls the son aside and tells him they have a quarter of dank and he sparks up the j with him?

    And then the mom pulls out a bong that was hidden behind her chair and they all get really blazed?

    Actually this ending would be the best thing to ever happen to television.

    Oh and this post was awesome. I'm +repping you but I don't know if its gonna count. I can try though.
  11. well based on the 2nd video where the dad says "your mom and i are gonna step outside for a minute" i can only assume that they went to go smoke that joint :smoke:
  12. It'll count after you post a shit ton. Keep postin':smoke:
  13. Guilt tripped by 7th Heaven. What's next? Getting inspired by Sister Sister?
  14. The first one reminds me of how my parents reacted when I got ratted out :/ ugh ignorance. pure ignorance.

  15. Hey, don't insult them! I watch that show daily whenever I'm craving enlightenment, so back off.
  16. "Have you ever tried it?"

    "NO WAY!!#@"


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