Apparently Ian Fletcher at HuffPo says otherwise! Ian Fletcher: Libertarianism, the New Anti-Americanism Watch him get destroyed in the comments, it's hilarious. I also disagree with his idiom that libertarians are just anarchists with credit cards. I only have a debit card, thank you very much.
Lol your right he did get absolutely destroyed in the comments. I do like watching Liberals suddenly turn into Sean Hannity when they debate Libertarians or Anarcho Capitalists.
my best friends dad in high school told me that "libertarians were republicans that smoke pot" hehehe.....wait.....oh shit am i a republican now??? can't be i still can't get behind preemptive war or sarah palin
Foreign Policy at Steven Landsburg | The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy with Ideas from Mathematics, Economics, and Physics
Lol I bet democrats will feel trolled. More xenophobic then republicans? haha.. arguably I guess, but still... I think in general conservatives take the cake.
Libertarianism must be catching on .... im hearing alot more false allegation, and straight up hate, from the bi partisan political parties. Upon telling people i believe in a libertarian philosophy i get called the following. A nut - because i don't believe in what the news tells me) A liberal? - Kylesa has gotten this here from the conservatives i notice haha) Anti-American -Because i don't believe in killing other people and spending the peoples money to do it, and because i believe our government does not have our interest in mind. Flip-Flopper - Because i recognize there is two sides to every story, and you can only come up with the right solution when taking them both into account. I.E. Blaming the arsonist does not put out the fire. Republican - Because i disagree with Liberals general view of spending to create wealth. I'll stop there .... for the sake of not creating a list 100 terms long.
omg this is rich [ame=]YouTube - Rand Paul is Obama's New Wife.[/ame]
so much fail ^^ i love how the idiot tries to read.... and how she tries to portray a "politically controlled economy" as a good thing i think they hit the nail on the head about the "anti-american" tenancies of the austrian does go against everything that current american economics stand know cartelism, state granted monopolies to criminal enterprises, theft of wealth from citizens to fund autocratic entitlement policies...and all those other american values that we are suffering from.