hey what's up

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jdath, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. new guy here.. 18 years old from Massachusetts.. and last night i got high as shit. :hello:
  2. Welcome to the city Jdath :hello:
  3. here's a question for you guys..

    where's a good place to order a small pipe or even a one hitter online? I'm not looking for anything to fancy.. just tired of smoking out of ghetto shit (usually an apple haha).. and the only headshop i know around here is sketchy as all hell. I live with my parents (who don't know i smoke weed) so discreet packaging is kind of important..

    What do you guys think?
  4. Let me see....I know...how bout the GrassCity store.


  5. No kidding... do you have to sign upon arrival, and does the package say grass city on it? Both of those are negatives haha
  6. You do not need to sign upon arrival, and the box will not have any reference to grasscity.

  7. Ok, cool, take it you've ordered before?

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