used to smoke menthols but stick with non-menthol now. i typically roll my own cigs, either turkish or danish tobacco or a combination of the two (delicious, especially in a spliff). i do enjoy a menthol every now and then, tho.
I like both, but i wouldnt smoke menthols as a regular, i like non menthols better, but a menthol every now and then is fine
I don't really smoke but if I do it has to be menthol. Just can't stand normal fags. Even though I only tend to smoke spliffs.
By fags you mean cigs, so I'm guessing you are in the UK or Europe. Why do you guys mix weed and tobacco together?
I'm kinda either-or, but when I'm smoking bud I like to smoke menthol just because it numbs your lungs a bit, so it makes the bud hits easier. Other than that I'm usually smoking full flavors or Djarum Blacks (another brand I love smoking when toking).