Hey Skype users, call The Self Indulgent Podcast and tell me a funny high story.

Discussion in 'General' started by selfindulgent, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. So the other day i was at Jack In the Box super baked, and I had my empty cup in one hand and my receipt in the other. I went over to fill my cup with some Coca-Cola and while i go to fill up, i'm talking to a friend of mine that is giving me a strange look. I look back and my hand and the receipt i'm holding in it is just getting soaked with pop. Being as baked as I was, I didn't even realize that instead of putting the cup under the fountain, i had put the hand holding the receipt in it under the fountain. It was a sticky mess.

    If you have any funny stories about being high, The Self Indulgent Podcast is taking calls on skype for the next 30 min. Our screen name is selfindulgentpodcast

    If you're not interested, just move along. Thanks for your time guys.

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