Hey new to the forums!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Pyrolysis, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Hello i just thought i should introduce myself.
    im new to the forums, but have been smoking and toking for nearly 4 years, everyday. From bongs, buckets, lungs, spliffs, blunts, bubblers, pipes, cannons and hot slides(invention from my hometown) i could dare say ive smoked marijuana every way possible and even tired to invent a couple in the process. Ive recently decided that a break is prolly a great idea, started coughing up some black stuff, and im gonna need your support to get me through my 2 week break(when im commencing this is not yet known). Right now im living in southern Ontario, Canada and loving it.
    Hold those tokes in tight boys :smoking:
  2. Welcome to the city!
  3. welcome to the city dude! :wave:
  4. Welcome to the City! :wave:

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