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Hey, I'm Blaze :)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BL8ZE, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. what's crackin' GC? My name's blaze, and although I am not new to smoking, I am new to this community! Well, I guess I will start off my first thread by asking: what smoking tool do you prefer most? (pipe, bong, vaporizer, bubbler, sherlocks, steamrollers, etc.) this is totally your own opinion :)
  2. Welcome my dude! For the most part GC Is real chill. I have to say, I like my pipe the most. They're just so chill.
  3. Yo is your name really blaze? that's so chill.. welcome to GC bro.

    My favorite piece is honestly my bowl.. I agree with RVD.. so chill.

    Nice workaholics icon btw RVD.
  4. Blaze Zabini :cool:

    Welcome to the The Gity of Crass.
  5. my bub and illy are my fav. pieces. One hitter is the most used when I'm by myself and my bowl is the most used with groups
  6. Wait. Blaze is another guy. He has House as his avatar or something.
  7. Sup bl8ze . I like my j hook bong :smoking:
  8. ^His name is Bl8ze chill out, and welcome I enjoy white owl cigarillos with my weed.
  9. Just a perty thang in from our very on GC shop.. came in absoltly perfect condition and rips like a goddess... I named it the batmobong.. cause it looks like a bong that batman would smoke from..
  10. Howdy. I enjoy a fine piece of glass myself or if that's not available, papers will do fine.
  11. Holler, i dig a nice bong
  12. even though it not on your list I prefer joints.

  13. HELL yes! White owls are my favorite bro!

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