Hey hillary, shall we do something about egypt,?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by chicken, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. i like seeing her ass put on the spot,,, SHES OUR SECRATARY OF STATE''...the to -go-- to- person on foreign relations,,,,

    shes a fuckin carrer politician,, who has for the first time in her life,,, got a question that demands a answer,,,,

    world oil trade lies in the balance of the egyptian crisis,,,and nuclear weapon aresonals,

    what you gonna do bitch<-------------:cool:

    you see a public rising up against the government...

    what you gonna do bitch<---------:cool:

    you see a dictator that the u.s. has '' PROPPED UP''....falling,

    what you gonna do mrs. secratary of state?:cool:

    whats your boss going to do ?

    wasnt it you ,,, on a podium during the presidential nominees debates,,,,that stated hes not qualified to be president,,,,

    what are any of you going to do,,,,,,,

    do you need to borrow my balls,?
  2. We should flood that whole country with David Allen Coe CD's!
  3. Bomb them to the stone ages! *realizes this isn't the Iran thread*

    Yeah you make a good point chicken. It's like when we need our leaders the most they do the least. When we need them the least they do the most.
  4. here is a strange thought. DO NOTHING and negotiate with the survivors (this has been my policy opinion on the middle east since i was 12) i say FUCK 'EM let them work their own shit out.
  5. thw world '' runs;; off of oil.

    and that canal over there,, is a major route for oil,, going out of the middle-east...

    allthough im sure the obama admin. would love to see oil shoot to 5 bucks a gallon...

    wheres the u.n. during this crisis,,,,

    words alone isnt going to bring this charging dragon to a halt,:cool:
  6. intervention seems to be a bipartisan phenomenon, from bush sr. to barack.... whats up with that? :confused:
  7. I don't think we're intervening with Egypt. Not militarily at least.
  8. someone is going to be there,,,,

    they have nukes,,,,and have a unstable government....

    someone is going to show up,,,,and act as a police force...

    but really any muslim based country over there,,,,is only stable for '' periods'' of time,,,,then all hell breaks loose,,,and they all eventually have a civil uprise,,,

    what i think was cool, is i heard reports that the cops were removing thier uniforms and joining the people,,,,

    why aint there no guns in the crowds,,,,

    you telling me all these people are peacefull demonstrators ?

    or is it il-legal for them to own guns,,,,

    has thier government stripped thier right to own firearms ?:cool:
  9. i really hope the states stay out of it...
    i doubt anything good will come out of it if the us jump in like usual..
    plus if some authority would join them(the protesters) itd be best if it werent one who used to support the former government..

    let them have their uprising by themselves..*crosses fingers*

    an unstable government scene is better than a fucked up one.
    itll get stable again when the people elect a new government and change some parts of their constitution.it might take some time but it will..

    now if the next government will be american friendly ..i have no clue..
    i do know thats a good reason for the american government to step in and make sure of it..unfortunately..
  10. $49bn worth of intervention...

    Foreign relations of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Mubarak is a US puppet...

    Hopefully the next Egyptian government will not whore themselves for the dirty blood stained dollar...
  11. The American people would not like the United States going into Egypt at this time. The US is also a ticking time bomb. Revolution is near.

  12. people dont like many things..governments still go on and do it..keep your fingers crossed...

    keep your hopes low mate..dont be a sheep but keep them low..
    trust me..otherwise youll get so disappointed ..
    so disappointed you'll find yourself getting angry to people without obvious reasons..(obvious for the stupid common sense..)
    longterm it'll only do you harm..

    in 2008 i thought revolution was happening..if you were in the greek streets youd think so too..no doubt..
    didnt really happen..a month of riots with no real result..
    people voted for the same 2 parties..
    we borrowed money from the imf..etc etc

    but if you were there youd swear thats how a revolution looks like..

    so trust me..keep your hopes low..
    as Protagoras said ;people dont wanna get off their chains..they serve them well..

    sad but truth..
  13. LMAO :hello:
  14. lol this is basicly what theyre doing
  15. Don't hate. Just because he's our homie. Of course we're going to contribute militarily to one of the only middle eastern countries that are friendly to us. This is chess not checkers fool.:rolleyes:
  16. I think she already has some hiding under that pant suit. I mean not many politicians are very attractive, but come on. She is foul.
  17. You guys better stay out of there. They're not so fond of American intervention.

  18. Untill it all backfires on them, when an extreemest group takes over..

    I would love for the US to stay out of it, but I doubt that will happen..
  19. I doubt that will happen, they're out there for democracy, not simply for a different regime. If they elect a new regime and they stay longer than they're supposed to, I think this will happen all over again.
    Plus, more Americans in the middle east would piss a LOT of people off. Not just Egyptians.

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