well so far i just germed the seeds and JUST planted them in um sta-green or somethin Potting Mix..and first of all..is that good? if not no biggie,this is my first grow so its trial and error..second,i kno u cant smoke cigs around the plants but what if its in my closet and the closet is in my room?..like its inbetween my room and my brothers room which has 2 windows and everything? answers would be great
u can smoke cigs around ur plants, ur good.. and also, does your soil have any nutrients in it? a N-P-K rating anywhere on the bag? you want no nutes in your soil during the seedling stage... if its got some, like you said, ah well, it can be done...
all it really says on the soil bag is..time relesed nutes and fert..so idk ..but idk it said its great for growing any plant or flower..so we'll see..if it doesnt work oh well..i got more seeds..oh and another thing..one seed didnt germ? right..meaning no white tip shot out..but i planted anyway..good idea? bad idea?
can't hurt to plant it, as long as u did 1 seed per 1 container... ive had seeds takes a few extra days to sprout before... yah and time released ferts is a bag thing... oops..... you might wanna try and get some soil without time release ferts... it might work, but it might not too.... you'll find out i guess.
Soil with fertilizer is very bad for: 1-Seedlings 2-Transplanting It will burn the hell outta the fragile roots. I hope they endure and grow. But it's normal that they don't. Next time, go with organic soil, no nutes/ferts.
well,whats the soil you guys used? any help is great.any one wanna help me with like a "list" of stuff they use and do?you can private mess. it you want
Well, since I don't live in the US/Europe, I have no idea of the brands you have there. What I did was go to the supermarket, grab a 10 lb "Dirt with worm castings no fertilizers" that was really cheap, like 3 USD and done.
I have grown plants that produced fine starting them out in soil with ferts in it but it did stress them whn they are young, no longer do that. As for the smoking, smoking be fine around your plant as long as rooms got good ventilation, but be sure to wash your hands before touching your plant. tobaccoo can contain diff pest/viruses like tobaccoo mosaic virus ect.
oh yea, i start my seeds out in "seed starter professional growers mix" made by plantation products. Its mixture of sphagnum peat, vermiculite, perlite, a wetting agent and lime. offers great areation young roots love that. I got it at ace hardware.
yea i might have to go grab some of that..is that all pre-mixed? and im on day 5 right now after i planted them..should i be able to see growth at all?
Yup its premixed, all about that convenience 5 days after they have germinated? yea you should be able to see growth but sometimes they wait till the 2nd week and really take off. what kinna light source was you using?
well its just one bulb right now..a Florecent..but i have a double shop light in my garage im gunna bring up soon..and it could also be too cold in my "grow" room..but im not sure..i tried to buy a heating pad but had no luck
word. cfls are cool for veg growth but in my experince deff lack the power needed to produce high yeilding bud
well what do u think is the best way to do that??bc i cant just raise the temp in my house to like 80 someone will know im up to something(i hate heat) but i thought about a heating pad or something
I use the mix i previously mentioned for cuttings or starting seeds because of the great areation but once plant gets big enough to out grow the lil peat pots, i put them in the container i plan on keeping them in (to avoid shock from transplanting over and over again) but i use more of what would be considerd top soil, gives the plant much better anchorage and nutrient holding ability