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Hey guys i need some opnions on daily toking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by spleee254, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Ok so me and my cousin got into an argument he says that i smoke too much i smoke usually abut 2-3 times a day everyday and only spend 40 a week on weed i make 2 grams last 6 days then on the 7th i re supply and smoke the keif... im in highschool (im 18 )and i dont really have a need to buy anything else... i mean if i have to spend money on something more important thats fine... he just says i depend on it... well i admit it helps me with my depression alot but it also just makes life more enjoyable i love the life style i live i like the friends i have cuz if it they are all really cool and chill people.... who arnt just lazy couch potatos and ganja has opened my eyes to so many new things... and i could stop smoking i mean it would suck but i wouldnt withdraw from it just be pissy for a few days... what im asking my seasoned tokers is give me your opnions.... btw my cuz is not an anti weed he loves smoking too but... personally i think its cuz he just cant smoke everyday... his parents are against mine are for so yeah
  2. maybe just stick to smoking on a night so in the day u can be "normal" so to speak while your busy at school or w.e

    i did this for a while and it is nice, like i earned the smoke for working all day!
  3. if your not failing school/being fired for a job or something, and your happy, then toke away!
  4. yeah man i feel you and i dont always smoke before school but it does help me focus and gets me more into lessons and just puts me into a better mood thats not UGHHH school lame but more of yeahh this is school lets just do it and gettttttttteeeeeeeerrrrrrrr donne :hello:
  5. Tell him hes right, you will get right on becomming an alcoholic so your issues are considered a handicap rather than a drug addiction, i fucking hate people sometimes
  6. Nah mayne I smoke everyday when I have it. Your fine as long as your not always on couch lock cause of it.
    My question is how the FUCK do you make 2grams last that long??
  7. lmao this ^^
  8. ok what u do man to last 2 gs.... i buy super dank and just smoke these small bowl packs... also grind ur weed up at once its easier to rashin out and it only takes 2-5 hits of dank to get me blazed... and i have a good tolleance to ganja hahha... i also loved ur post sirsog :)
  9. ^Ration

    I did the daily toke for a while but it felt like my head was full of sludge.
  10. yeah i never get muddy highs not bragging but dank never gives me a muddy or sludgy high but yeah ration is key and i find that when u have nugs u will use more because some people just break off a peice and throw in.... there could be alot more then u think that doesnt need to be smoked... annnd when u grind it up right before u smoke u wont have the same idea of just how much u acutally have and because of that u may smoke more or less then u would have preferred... of course if you grow have med card or just the money to shove out... then these rules wont apply as much or if at all :smoke:

  11. If you use a vape like the mflb then you can ration A LOT!
  12. I think the definiton of smoking "too much" is very dependent upon the individual. If you smoke frequently but you fail to allow it to disrupt your normal affairs I don't view it as an issue.
  13. haha if you can make 2gs last 6 DAYS, you definatly havn't got a problem. Tell your friend that next time he complains ;):smoke:
  14. if you can function throughout the day whilst being high, then being high is just an extracurricular activity for you. maybe he's jealous that he can't function on weed.
  15. if your grades are good, you can afford it, and you're doing it safely, then by all means, toke as much as you want. just make sure you aren't developing a psychological dependency to it. know the risks, learn about it, and have fun!
  16. im curious to as what u mean a "psychological dependency". do u mean like u almost think ur addicted or what?
  17. a psychological dependency is a meta-addiction. You arent actually dependent upon the substance... ok for example; when a heroine addict stops using, their body can actually sort of shut down during withdrawls. It can actually be kinda dangerous sometimes. But when you take a heavy toker, and deny them, their body can react in a rash, but completely (other than sleep deprivation sometimes) harmless way. You can find yourself having trouble getting hungry, because your so used to cannabis giving you the munchies all the time, i dont really know how that one works... being hungry is being hungry hahaha. Or having trouble sleeping, cause you can adjust to smoking before sleeping, or coming down when going to bed, which makes the process easier. Its not really a physical withdrawl, but your brain thinks it is.... I dunno i think the term dependency is used much too loosely
  18. It's probably been said many times in this thread, but I think as long as you have your life on track and aren't burning through too much money, you're good. Maybe take a T-break for a week or two to prove that you aren't 'dependent'. And of course, to get better highs.

  19. precisely what i meant. it's defined as a subjective sense of need for something to experience its positive effects. i compare marijuana and sex and alcohol to each other in the way that they all can be psychologically addictive, or so awesome that you want to keep doing it a lot.

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