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Hey guys, generally new toker here. Got a few questions.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iAurorAi, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, I had my first few smokes last year around august, and I stopped in october. I was un employed. I have a new job now, and a few days ago smoked with a few friends for the first time and had a good time. So, the day after I managed to get this


    I can tell you now, only having picked up my own weed one other time. The other times I was smoked up by friends. This is the best bud I've ever had. And man does it STINK. I could not believe it. Right now I have it in a baggy, then put into a glass mason jar with my bowl and my lighter and then its in my phone box in my closet. You cannot smell it, UNTIL you open the phone box. Its crazy. Is there any better ways to hide bud without it smelling? Im sure im fine, but I was just wondering. Thanks in advance :smoking:
  2. Vacuum sealed bag or jar
  3. Air tight jars. Anything air tight. (I'm not sure if mason jars are air tight though...)
  4. They sell smellproof bags but never used em.

    Double mason jar or plastic jar inside a glass jar would be my guess.

    Make sure you don't have it indoors if you're staying low key

  5. the mason jar is airtight dude. It still smells in the box outside of it lol
  6. Mason jars are airtight as I've kept bud in there for 4-5 months will no probs. I do crack the jar open every week or so to keep some air moving.

  7. they're supposed to be, they have that rubber seal around the lid
  8. Best solution?

    smoke it. problem over

  9. Im conservative, and have no tolerance yet whatsoever
  10. If you don't have a mason jar, I recommend Medical bottles. Ones with the orange plastic. It's air locked and it blocks out sunlight. If you don't have that, just use a jam/jelly jar. Works just fine.
    Happy Toking Blade
  11. Mason jar yo
  12. You guys don't read, it is in a mason jar lol
  13. well that's the best man keep it in man ! ha

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