Grasscity - Dab Rig Sale - 50% Discount

Hey GrassCity

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by xxVolcomxx, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Hey, first time poster, and about 4th time smoker here. This is the first time I have been this fucked up. I don't smoke much but I might try to smoke more ofter.

    My friend and I walked down the road at about 6:50 pm and around half an hour after smoking we were in the gas station, me being high as fuck started rambling on about all the gum. So we buy some hubba bubba and some other shit. Well walking back to the place I ate like 6 pieces of the gum cause it tasted so dammn good. And I ate the damn wrappers with them, anyways..... Im still fucked up a little at 9:23 pm....
  2. Hey welcome to the city man.
  3. Welcome to GC !

    You know plastic is'nt good for you right? Lol.
  4. welcome to the city:wave:

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