Hey Grasscity, Im a New Medical grower from L.A.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 818KUSH, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. :wave:Hello everyone, I am new to the site as well as growing.
    I am currently setting up my grow rooms and plan on getting started right away.
    I have just started a grow journal, not sure how to link to it yet.

    But i will figure it out because I would definitely appreciate any help, guidance or constructive criticism along the away.

  2. I'm in the 818 too. I'm growing three big plants in my upstairs bathroom plus a few clones, and have seeds to germinate as well. I hope your growing experience goes well, I suggest buying the Growers "Bible". I can't find it on me now to tell you the title of the book, but basically it has anything you could ever need to know about growing and such. There is also the Potsmokers Handbook but that's more recreational..
  3. See ya in the grow section! :wave:

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