Hey there everyone. Ive been smoking for only 9 months or so now. I love it. Im kind of addicted to making shit to smoke with. working on making a vap right now. Just wanted to say hi and see if there were anyone else on these forum thats in the SW mich area.
Hey, Welcome to the City you troll... ahem... fellow Michigander. lol It's a great community and you can definitely learn alot here. Have fun and keep toking! And for those who didn't get the troll joke: A troll is someone who lives south or 'underneath' the Mackinac Bridge Yooper for life. lol
i want to make my way over there and score some good shit....kalamazoo blows for selection and i have yet to find anything local that i really enjoy, ive been getting my good shit from a guy up in east lansing.
im origanally from the flint area.....spent a good many days up in the bay area....and alot down in clarkston and dearborn