Hey from Central Florida

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by needatoke, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. I survived pancreatic cancer but lost my job. While tying to control the pain and nausea I was introduced to MJ at 40 years old last year by an ex-cop friend. Prescriptions suck and cost more than weed. It's the only thing that does the trick and I've been smoking ever since. Now I just have to find a reliable source (it's like searching for gold in the 352) I just joined the group. Trying to learn all that I can.
  2. Greetings!

    Sorry to hear about your cancer, I recently lost a son to cancer so I know how much it can affect a person. In a strange way I started smoking again recently to deal with it myself, just on the grief side of the coin. I recently joined here myself for many of the same reasons, so here's to hoping you are ok and welcome! :wave:.

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