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Hey friends—its been awhile!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by inhale, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 inhale, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    I really haven't been active here since 2005-2006. It's hard to believe Cannabis has been a BIG BIG part of my life for so long now. (I know some of you oldtimers have been at it since the 60s. +respect!)

    I went from buying dimes
    to buying quarter ounces
    to buying ounces

    to saying fuck this garbage and growing my own

    I went from smoking a dime a week
    to smoking a little bit everyday
    to vaporizing a gram a day

    and from uptown haze, "pif" and random "kush"
    to strains that I grew that suit my needs well.

    Strains that have no paranoia, no anxiety, just
    euphoria, long lasting effects, and no fatigue afterwards.

    I went from trying to save every last trichome on my desk
    to hauling around garbage bags full of weed

    Stuff that back in 2006 AMAZED me seeing the pics
    of how many jars of pot some of you guys had.

    I suggest growing for everyone. A 400w grow is tiny and can
    yield as much as 0.5 - 1.0 POUND of dry weed.

    and when you grow, what do you do with all that trim? BAKE IT.

    I've been dabbling with edibles and brownies have gotten me higher than I've ever been in my entire life. Sometimes it's not pleasant.

    I've lately been dabbling in something most here would probably frown upon: Synthetic cannabinoids.

    That's my 420 story.. toke on :smoke:
  2. ima tell you this i smoke a shit load of k2 this summer i had to take a 1 month t break becuse thay mess with your canabanoid recepters

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