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Hey everyone! First time posting, some questions about buying/smoking first time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by FoxyGrampa, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Ive only ever smoked once with friends from a joint they said it was just some reg's which I learned is just like regular weed. I really enjoyed smoking but it's Berenice about 3 months I recently moved states and I want to start smoking. I have no idea were to start, how to buy? Were can I meet people to buy some weed? How can I know what's good stuff and how much I can get for what prices? And finally when I get some best ways to smoke it? Bong, pipe or joint? Any tips on smoking? Like how to take a hit or hold in the smoker. How good is cooking weed into food? What kindve food can you cook weed into?

  2. for the amount of questions you have, the search button is youre friend. :) read all the stickies in the apprentice seasoned toking tools stash jar and edibles section, for quality references read through some pickup threads, most people get dank. toking tools will explain all you need to know about smoking and what to smoke out of. prices can be found in apprentice and stash jar for different areas, just search. edibles are awesome if you make them right but htey dont work for everyone ( dont work for me :( )
  3. [quote name='"FoxyGrampa"']Ive only ever smoked once with friends from a joint they said it was just some reg's which I learned is just like regular weed. I really enjoyed smoking but it's Berenice about 3 months I recently moved states and I want to start smoking. I have no idea were to start, how to buy? Were can I meet people to buy some weed? How can I know what's good stuff and how much I can get for what prices? And finally when I get some best ways to smoke it? Bong, pipe or joint? Any tips on smoking? Like how to take a hit or hold in the smoker. How good is cooking weed into food? What kindve food can you cook weed into?[/quote]

    Okay... Haha first off, ask your friends where they get theirs, go into the vehicle/place with them one time when you pick up a bag, introduce yourself and get his number. You should be able to ask your friends whats good for how much n stuff. For apprentice tokers, i suggest a one-hitter. It conserves weed, gets you high, and is easy to hide. Then move to a bowl. Bongs are awesome! Vapes are reeeeeaaaaaally nice!!! Take a huge rip and hold it in AS LONG as you can, then cough and repeat! Hahaha. Cooking weed into food is awesome, it uses more (i think, im pretty sure) but your high for 4-8 hours, and your REALLY high hahaha. There are MANY types of food you can put the herb into, just google a cookbook and youll be i8. Amd lastly, dont make weed your life, make sure shits taken care of, then get your weed... Also, buy in bulk once you start smoking more. Saves a TON of money in the long haul. Deuces! :smoke:

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