Heroin and Go Ask Alice

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BigOrange2, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. You may have read this book, Go Ask Alice, and you know the part Im talking about.

    If not, theres a art in the book where Alice and a friend are with these people, and shootup heroin, and blackout I guess. I read it a long time ago, cant remember exactly what happend, but they get raped and such also if I remember.

    Im wondering if it would be possible to shootup heroin for the first time, and totally forget about it, and wake with tracks on your arm wondering wtf happend.

    I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the drug culture from back in the day
  2. Although Go Ask Alice is a somewhat reliable source for the risks of recreational drugs, I can almost guarantee that such a story is a scare tactic to frighten people away from dope. I mean, if you mainline some dopesquad, and end up passing out and getting raped? Wow, you've got really bad luck. Doing heroin has no correlation to harmful occurrences like being raped.

    To answer your question; no, heroin generally does not cause memory loss or blackouts. If you mainline a $10 pack for your first time, you're just gonna be really doped out and on top of the world for about 6-8 hours. No blackouts there, at least not in my experience (1/10 of heroin).
  3. If its a scare tactic, it's a shitty one to employ, because I'd say this book heavily influenced my interest in recreational drugs when I was a kid and read it in 7th grade.
  4. Great book, I read that shit for the first time 12 yrs ago, in juvenile hall believe it or not. I didn't think I would enjoy it being from a girls p.o.v. but it was a good read, fucked up ending though.
  5. I forget the bitch who wrote it, I just remember that I hated her so much she doesn't even deserve me looking up her name. :cool:
    However I did enjoy the read, though I completely disagreed with point of the story, which seemed to be "Don't do drugs or this is what will happen."
  6. The author is unknown and this is from the back of the book:

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but I was under the impression that water destroys LSD, so how do you lace a soft drink? Anyways, LSD is not addictive nor is it a gateway drug, it certainly sounds like a book full of shit to me.
  7. water doesnt destroy acid^^^ ever heard of electric koolaid
  8. ever heard of electric lettuce ???
    its good stuff
  9. Nope, never heard electric koolaid, but I remember reading somewhere on this forum about it. (Don't ask me where).
  10. I really like the book, although i forget most of it i do remember i really liked it
  11. i never read it, sounds interesting.
  12. That is the book that peaked my interest in drugs in the first place and got me interested in marijuana actually.

    And Im pretty sure they had taken many drugs that night and they did remember getting raped they were just too out of it to do anything about it.

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