herminating b ag seed

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mr johnsonvillebrat, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Hey all just a question to those that have grown from bag seed. Did you let them sit around for a while or did you germ them right away ? Can you just pull seeds out of your sac and germ them ? Will it work? I just found seeds in my bud for the first time in years and it is killer chron. 9 seeds out of one o. I'm gonna germ them. Sorry if this is confusing. I'm baked of that shit
  2. hey there...I used seeds from some of the crappiest looking pot I've bought.As long as the seed isn't cracked or crushed it should be worth a shot.Start with maybe 2 or 3 more than you need."Weed" out the weak ones, or grow em all.I have a bagseed plant that is identical to a clone I've got.Some sprouted within 3-4 days, some took longer.All are gorgeous.good luck.
  3. Yea, here in America it is hard to order seeds safely, so bagseed is all I've ever grown. I hear they last a year or two usually but can last up to 5 or so if stored properly. Store them dry in the freezer. Be careful not to take them out of the freezer except when necessary. Germinating should work fine. As long as they are fully formed, that is. 9 seeds out of an ounce sounds like it might be the result of a herm plant though. Usually there would be more if there were actual males in the garden. Often the females herm at the end of flower, so you get premature seeds that won't actually give the best germ rate. Good luck!

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