Not sure if she’s turned gay on me lol. Any thoughts? Sorry about the lights. Looks like a female sex organ on a small stem.
i see what you mean about being on a small stem ,but it does look like an old calyx ..but take them off and open it/.them up . plant has not got long to go now ,,i dont think it is a male flower ,but just check like i said ,luck,,mac
Thanks Mac. I’ll try that this evening when lights come back on. My timer tripped one day while in week 5 flower. Supposed to come on at 6pm I didn’t catch the lights out prob till about 10 pm lol. Was afraid that might have hurt them.
Was afraid since I saw the (stem) lol. They are on week 7 flower so I don’t want anything to go bad lol.
rub the offending calyx between your fingers softly now i know from experience if its seeded the calyx casing will come away or peel for a better word and the seed bract will be either full of water or a seed husk will be present let us know how you get on this will bare zero stress on your plant
Okay I checked last night and there is nothing. Just was water. Thanks for the info on that. I will keep an eye on them because I’m noticing more little ones pop up on nodes lower down that have been lollipop.
thats a good sign that your calyx is just swelling with goodness and yes diligence can save allot of problems from getting out of hand. good luck with the remainder of your grow buddy