Hermie or not

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Backnine951, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. #1 Backnine951, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    Hey everyone. Hope you are all well. I'm on my iPhone so I cant post any pics but will try to explain best as I can. I will post pics when I get a chance. Got a couple questions...

    1. I have been flowering 40 Plants in pots of soil for 3 weeks. As I was checking things out and did a final pruning I noticed that one plant had one male part (or though it seemed). It was what looked like 2 pollen sacs coming off the stalk where 2 hairs or pistils would usually be. But this plant also has female signifying parts all down the stalk (2 hairs or pistils and female bud). And I noticed a couple more, what looked like single sacks (maybe premature seeds, maybe just premature bud) on a couple nugs that I pruned off of different plants. All these plants came from the same female moms I have been using for 6 months. Maybe some hermed out from stress from pruning? I space my prune days out by a week or so and usually have to do it twice. Also a couple fan leafs only had three odd shaped blades instead of 5 normal shaped ones like they went through some stress. Plants are very healthy though and they are all definitely female. Does this sound possible? And if so, these sacs will actually contain pollen right? (although I did remove them)

    2. Also, this is my first soil flower and was wondering if it takes the same amount of time for flower to mature and ripen as hydro. Or does it take longer? Referring to indoor.

    Thanks for the help everyone

    Pic description: Pic 1 is the sacs that i am talking about. Pic 2 is the plant which the sacs were located on. Pic 3 is a close up of some kriptonite (mmmmmm). Pic 4 is one of the trays and how i prune

    Attached Files:

  2. well is it male pollen sacks or just swollen calyx's
    here,s some pics to compare to your plant
    and yes it takes about 2 more weeks for soil

    Attached Files:

  3. If there are male flowers on ur plant, yes, they will have pollen, but they will carry the hermie trait and most of the seeds produced will also be hermie.

    You state you space out your "pruning" days. Why and How are you pruning your plants?
  4. awww NUTZ!
  5. #5 Backnine951, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    @ badaxe: yes i space my prune days out. I am pruning because without it there is a very high chance of pm (i might also mention my room is sealed for co2 use, cans are outside the room so no air is going in or out, just ac running and dehu kicks on as needed, it yeilds superb). There are a lot of plants in a small room which makes it very humid under 4 1000's, not to mention nute rezes increase humidity also. It also opens the plant up so all flowers recieve light. Also lets air get to bottoms of leaves and under plant to soil which helps air flow throughout the room. and i do it also because i get rid of everything small and not really worth harvesting which thickens upper flowers, not to mention this greatly speeds up trim time which is a huge added bonus. I prune by removing low branches and leaves. i then work my way up the 4 or 5 branches i leave up to where i think it is suitable for that plant. i also remove large fan leaves covering up the garden and hogging all the growth. I have been doing this for a couple years but this is the first time i have ever experienced any stress related hermage.

    I got my computer up so here are some pics also. i will post them on my first post in this thread
    Thanks for the help guys, and i would really appreciate more.

    One more thing, i made the switch from H&G to canna and was wondering if canna still makes nutes designed for R/O water. i remember like 5 or 6 years ago seeing canna nutes to be used with r/o. If they dont make it anymore can anyone tell me what type of cal-mag supplement does NOT have friggin nitrogen, 0-0-0 preferably (dont say botanicare cause it does!). and where do i get it?!

    thanks again big time for the help. good luck everyone!

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