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hermie,odd question?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by valleyhempz, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. ok so heres my problem, i have a bag seed thats 4-5 weeks into flower, ive been expecting it alot as the buds devolop to make sure theres no problems, and its been going very smoothly for the last 4-5 weeks but last night i pulled it out to examine it and i noticed 1 burst pollen sack luckily i havnt have to have fans going to keep temps down or else it would have pollinated my crop, but ive looked this plant over alot and thats the only part ive seen that was hermied, now is it possiable to have only one branch that hermied? i know my box wasnt totally light proof but i think only one spot got exposure to light and thats why it hermied but rest the plant hasnt shown any signs of male flowers. any insight on what exactly happened would be appricated.
  2. since the strain does infact hermie, you need to check your plants every day now
    they may re-occur in another branch & ofcourse you need to watch the other plants/strains aswell
  3. its completly possible that not only one branch went hermie.. but that it was only that one pollen sack as you put it.... the last grow i did the whole thing went lovely until nearly 2 weeks before harvest... I noticed bursting seed pods in random spots... needles to say i was pissed but i looked over that damn plant so close when i cut it down... over the whole plant i only found 4 "pollen sacks" and 3 were from the same branch.. while the fourth was from a completely diffrent side of the plant...

    hermies are a bish...
  4. Alright thanks guys, but i only saw that one pollen sack that burst, and i only found one other sack that was very small that was in the same branch, i belive its just on that one branch, now heres another question. The clone i took from it a month ago will that be hermie or female, since the mother plant is almost enterily female.
  5. it will be the same as the mom.

    after yrs of cloning the same strain from clone to clone (no mom) the hermie i had in one ( 98% F 2% M) never changed. it seemed to have less male parts the further the clones got from the org mom. i know other strains hardyed up after time of clone to clone. imo hermie is genetic...not light caused. and the more the seed banks use hermie seeds to assure females? it aint good.
  6. 420, the only spot that had a pollen sack was right where light leaked into the box, rest of the plant is female ive checked many many times over, and that means the clone is hermie, i though hermies arnt just genetics but can be cuased from stress and light leaks.

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