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Hermaphrodite Question!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by suspect, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. What would cause a female plant almost 4 weeks into bud, all of a sudden start producing male flowers in the top cola???????
    Im fuckin clueless, please help me, I need some GOOD info!
    Thanx in advance.
  2. stressing it out beyond belief.
  3. hi,stress can bring on male flowers, usually heat stress.Over fert stess can do it too.
    Its not such a bad thing any seeds prouced should be female for future use
  4. snap:cool:
  5. isnt a toss up between feminized seeds & hermie seeds?
  6. Although true that seeds produced from a self fertilized female will produce 99% female seeds. The hermie trait can become more pronounced or even worse the seeds my not even be viable. I have had seeds that wouldn't germinate and they were plenty old. Not always a good thing.
  7. There is always a lot of ifs buts and maybees with seeds etc ,keep positive ,they could be the best seeds ever .If you have a good supply of seeds,forget it and simply pluck the male flowers with your fingers or some tweasers before they drop their pollen,you get a few days to do this before they ripen.Seeds are hard to get over this side of the world and i like having some in reserve
  8. Oh and if you want just a few seeds without tainting all the buds, place a bag over the affected bud and secure at base with a rubber band or twist tie ,with lots of air in like a balloon,then only this bud will be seeded
    male pollen can be harvested on the same day if pops out and frozen for future hybridisation ,it lasts months in feezer but only hours or days in the wild
    Years ago i enduced a lower branch of a killer strain to go male with giberalic acid ,bagged the branch and collected the seed ,even though i was soo carefull some pollen escaped and the odd seed could be found elsewhere
  9. Also watch for mould in the bagged bud
  10. if thats the only plant you got just pluck the male flowers and let the plant mature...i would not use any of the resulting seeds as hermes have no place in my gardens gene pool what so ever...if you have other plants that are not already fertilized you better remove the herme....
  11. so removing male flowers will be ok, as long as I get them all???
  12. yes thats right ,but miss one male flower ,and you will get 100s or 1000s of seed
  13. Im not planning on missing any, & I sure as hell dont mind examining every last plant in the crop, I find it very therapeutic!
  14. if you have other plants at risk you may want to get the herme out...and hope your not too late
  15. dont the bananas have to open for them to release the pollen?

  16. cheers cheers, i like sitting and examening my plants after a long day at work.... very relaxing.

  17. hahaha, suspect your signature is some funny shit, did you have a lawyer right that up for you? you aint gonna get busted for talking about growing on a message board.
  18. copy & paste that shit if ya want I dont care!
  19. man you got male flowers and bananas:D

    its been so long since i seen a male i think your ok but if you touch it and it has pollen its too late ,obviously,i think the bannas pop open after a few days
  20. Basically true, but the act of moving them could shake the pollen free.

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