I know it fits together into a better triangle shape, maybe someone knows how to format it so it fits correctly. I found this on the rec.drugs.cannabis about 5 years ago I think it was written by some activists from vermont<font color = "green"> <center> THE GREEN TRIANGLE POEM During Nazi rule those thought to be a threat to the Fatherland were taken prisoner and placed in con- centration camps. These prisoners were from many different social and cultural backgrounds. To distinguish between the prisoners, the Nazis used a system of color coded cloth badges. Jews were given yellow stars; half-Jews were given yellow triangles; feminists were given black triangles; Gypsies were given brown; and gay men, pink. The green triangle was given to `common criminals' or those who had been convicted of minor crimes, including drug law violators. At the time of Nazi rule, a very stringent set of anti-drug laws was in effect -- laws that were very similar to those used now in the U.S. \/ </font> [This message has been edited by seattle420 (edited February 07, 2001).] [This message has been edited by Truth-Seeker (edited February 07, 2001).]
THE GREEN TRIANGLE POEM During Nazi rule those thought to be a threat to the Fatherland were taken prisoner and placed in con- centration camps. These prisoners were from many different social and cultural backgrounds. To distinguish between the prisoners, the Nazis used a system of color coded cloth badges. Jews were given yellow stars; half-Jews were given yellow triangles; feminists were given black triangles; Gypsies were given brown; and gay men, pink. The green triangle was given to `common criminals' or those who had been convicted of minor crimes, including drug law violators. At the time of Nazi rule, a very stringent set of anti-drug laws was in effect -- laws that were very similar to those used now in the U.S. \/