Heres my security

Discussion in 'Security' started by tbudman, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. #1 tbudman, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2012
    Not very friendly.

  2. And the point of this thread is....?

    Enjoy the extra few year's in prison for the Fire-arms mixed in with the Marijuana.

    (Not knocking gun owners, I own a few myself, but this thread is just blatant stupidity).

  3. Cool story bruhski
  4. Actually there all registered and I have my prop 215card. All legal brah. And it says security so for those people who like to track picturesdont dare. And I never said you had to reply or click on it. Sorry your all illegal.
  5. #5 tbudman, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    Oh and I'm a hunter so I'm all good thanks for lookin out I can handle my self.

    Happy token n grown.
  6. #6 Menchville, Aug 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms sent warning letters to gun dealers in 2011 warning them they could not sell to known medical marijuana users. When buying a gun, you may be asked whether you are a user of illegal drugs and/or medical marijuana.

    Answering yes makes you ineligible to purchase; falsely answering no is in principle punishable as perjury. This should not affect current gun owners. Although California law does not prohibit medical marijuana users from having guns, using a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana.

    There is no firearm registration requirement in California except for assault weapon owners and personal handgun importers, why get your gun's registered?

    Track your pictures? We aren't the DEA, you sound a bit paranoid, maybe been smoking to much...

    If the DEA does bust down your door, you can shoot them, go to prison for life and enjoy getting anally raped by your Big Black Cell-mate, I am sure you will love it.
    - Good read, your guns technically aren't legal if you have your MMJ Card, if your in California, the FDA has voted a "NO OWNERSHIP POLICY" for all users of the illicit drug.

    Enjoy! :smoke:
  7. Lol. Ive been a gun own before I got my card and my guns are locked in a safe in my room no where near my cannibis. And why would I shoot a cop. Lol your to high. Don't think I'm big enough for them to raid its all personal. And I can do my time you don't know me. I've already done time. So like I said thanks kid.
    Oh and thanks never heard that lol.

    Yeah you haven't heard people with iPhones and some smart phones if you upload pics on here they can track it. These new phones these days have GPS tht signal even from a picture.

    And you have to register assault rifles and hand guns.

    This was a posting for people who do that. I'm not here to argue with you dude. But thanks for the imput.
  8. So you're worried about thieves tracking pics and robbing them, and show your hand from the beginning? Using paranoid logic, all you've done is told them how to come prepared.

    Using real logic all you've done is helped make gun owners look foolish. More on topic, since you posted about them, got any pics?
  9. Really have I said I'm going to go shoot someone no. I'm just saying I'm well prepared and one of my buddies this has happened to in my area so when you see it for real you'll know what I'm Sayn. And why would I post pics of my firearms. I'm a licensed hunter fisher NRA. And who says that's all I have up my sleeve.
    If any thing I'm alerting to all those culprits.
  10. in the states eyes you may be legal , if the feds come busting in and find your grow with the ar-15 , Im pretty sure you can't talk your way outta that..

    Marijuana is still illegal under federal law...

    getting caught with any weapon with drugs is a bad situation
  11. Why post pics? Because people who love guns, love to see them. I wasn't trying to call your bluff, just hoping to have a little pic trading session. My bad

  12. No, your sounding like a paranoid idiot.

    No one is going to track you down and rob you./Thread.
  13. You must like cannibis to get high. It's actually my medicine and quite important. Oh I have cancer by the way. So not much to live for but the only think that helps is my.medicine. thanks for your time glad you had fun.
  14. Because only big black prisoners commit rape in prison :rolleyes:
  15. #15 Sgtstadanko707, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2012
    [quote name='"Menchville"']

    The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms sent warning letters to gun dealers in 2011 warning them they could not sell to known medical marijuana users. When buying a gun, you may be asked whether you are a user of illegal drugs and/or medical marijuana.

    Answering yes makes you ineligible to purchase; falsely answering no is in principle punishable as perjury. This should not affect current gun owners. Although California law does not prohibit medical marijuana users from having guns, using a gun in connection with an offense such as cultivation or possession with sale can result in additional criminal charges. Users are advised to keep their guns in a location that is separate from their marijuana.

    There is no firearm registration requirement in California except for assault weapon owners and personal handgun importers, why get your gun's registered?

    Track your pictures? We aren't the DEA, you sound a bit paranoid, maybe been smoking to much...

    If the DEA does bust down your door, you can shoot them, go to prison for life and enjoy getting anally raped by your Big Black Cell-mate, I am sure you will love it.
    - Good read, your guns technically aren't legal if you have your MMJ Card, if your in California, the FDA has voted a "NO OWNERSHIP POLICY" for all users of the illicit drug.

    Enjoy! :smoke:[/quote]

    This is some what true.

    When buying a gun, you may be asked whether you are a user of illegal drugs and/or medical marijuana.
    It asked u if u are addicted to mj not of u use it. So in my book I checked no.
    Bought my 3rd hunting gun this year with no prob.
    They are more of makeing a deal out of people trying to get there concealed weapons permit.
    Witch I also got while having my mmj card

    Also with pic from a smart phone. Put it on to air plane mode and also u have to go into your setting and turn your geo tracker off.
  16. the grammar in this thread.... seriously, man. seriously.

  17. Ok thanks man now I know.

  18. someone's on their high horse!! you can't put us all in the same basket for what one person said..there are other people on here who have their cards too. lol @ "sorry your all illegal." :laughing:

  19. Did I point finger at any of you NO. So unless ur one of those stupid motherfuckers. Don't need ur input. And your a joke I said tht to menchville

  20. wrong


    An Unlawful User of, or Addicted to, Marijuana, or any Depressant, Stimulant or Narcotic Drug, or any other Controlled Substance?

    That's asking if you USE.

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