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Here's how I spent my night...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 8ight, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. So, I tried something different tonight. Instead of doing my normal routine of just blazing and playing video games or watching netflix, I wanted to try using the herb in a more medicinal way. I've been wanting to get in the habit of stretching every day, and I finally bought a new mat. So tonight when I got home from work, I did this:

    Laid out the mat.

    To one side, my laptop with the light dimmed, playing Stars of the Lid (drone/ambient)
    [ame=""]Stars of the Lid - Dungtitled (In A Major) - YouTube[/ame]

    In front of me, a mug of green tea with a spoon of honey

    To the other side, da buddha vaporizer

    No lights, just a single candle

    Then I stretched. And I actually felt each stretch. I never did before--normally I'd try stretching but not really be able to feel the muscles and so I was basically just going through the motions. With help from the herb, I was able to feel each muscle and could help guide them in my stretches.

    When I was done, I blew on the candle and took a hit in complete darkness. And just sat for a while, relaxing. Finally, turned the light on (I have a remote control switch) and continued on with my stoner night.

    Unfortunately, I didn't know to many stretches so I couldn't do too much, but it was an amazing experience and something I hope to continue doing every day from now on. And, I still have time to do said mindless activities after stretching.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share. Anyone have any similar experiences?
  2. Sounds really relaxing man. Props on expanding your marijuana use
  3. trying this, will post results. I play goalie in hockey so stretching legs is a must.
  4. I just recently started stretching to help with some of my back pains while sleeping and its been a tremendous help for me.
  5. Ok so I was already pretty high and I stretched my legs good, then smomked a bowl and the bowl was amazing as you can see I didn't even type smoked right lol

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