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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Joedahoe, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Ok. I was trying to decide what would be best for my space whih will be a closet grow. Decided on something cheap for first grow.

    3 75 watt walmart grow lights

    Miracle grow seed start soil.

    Miracle grow organic choice.

    3 seeds in the big pot. At the most 2 plants will inhabit this 3.5 gallon pot.

    Smaller pot seed was put in water about ~24 hours ago and put in soil 10-15 minutes ago.




    Ignore the basil lol

    And im very high and just realized you guys see pictures of nothing but soil. Lol
  2. Oh and do you guys use blood meal from the start or wait till the seed matures some first?
  3. Wait and read what is already in the Miracle Grow before adding any nutes.Miracle Grow comes pre-fertilized.I have the same lights for seed germination and cloning but are they 75 actual watts?.Shoulda planted one seed per pot so the roots dont tangle and kill each other....Your in a good spot for help so ask lots of questions.
  4. [quote name='"hawtrodz"']Wait and read what is already in the Miracle Grow before adding any nutes.Miracle Grow comes pre-fertilized.I have the same lights for seed germination and cloning but are they 75 actual watts?.Shoulda planted one seed per pot so the roots dont tangle and kill each other....Your in a good spot for help so ask lots of questions.[/quote]

    Thanks appreciate the support.Ok i heard about miracle grow so havent added anything else besides a little blood meal to some water and use that water every other feeding.

    I only really want 2 in the 3.5 pot which i thought would be ok? (no?)

    But if necessary i spaced them far enough where i could split the pot and give them each their own.

    The lights say they give out 75 watts but only take up 17 ea.

    So i can use these same lights to flower right?
  5. Ok the lights need to be ACTUAL that is 100w for the first plant and 50w for each additional plant.I would only put one plant per pot to be safe(what if ones a male).The lights you bought dont say it but some are more red than blue (learned this the hard way) had clones flower that were only 3" tall.I think if you change the bulbs out for flower bulbs it will work.HPS would be better in the long run.I still keep the Walmart lights they work great for cloning and seedlings.I dont use Bloodmeal so I dont want to give an opinion.

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