Here they come

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Enzo$&@123, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    How to combat ?

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  2. I use neem oil, but have never seen that critter before.
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  3. Those are the new lantern flys

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  4. about those invaders. It would be fun to blast them with a bug-a-salt fly shotgun.
  5. That's where I'd start, but as previously stated, that's a bug I haven't seen. Could even be beneficial to your plant.
  6. Not at all,kill every one of those you see
  7. Brother do you know what bug that is?? I'm a pest control guy and can't call it. LOL
  8. Spotted lantern fly bud,bad news
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  9. There’s an infestation 2 houses down in his tree. Man they every where. I swat them all day

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  10. Spray them with whatever bug killer you have
  11. I can’t spray my plants ! I’ve been killing these f&&kers since last year. Just a lot worse this year and first I’ve seen in the plants.
    They’re supposedly from Asia and we’re being researched in Pennsylvania and a bunch got away
    Only predator bug is praying mantis and another one. If you see any just kill it. It’s kinda like plant Covid

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  12. I'm in upstate NY, haven't seen any yet but I know it's only a matter of time

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