here is a website for chemicals

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by shalionzfinest, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. here is the website i order all of my bio-diesel supplies from they sell and ship methanol -iso right to your door.since they sell iso by the 5 gallon pail i figured some of you guys could use a link to some chemicals wheather you make biodiesel or hash i make both..

    Accessories - DT Chemicals USA
  2. Has anyone used 99% ISO/how well does it work compared to 91%? I'd think its basically the same, except that the 99 dries much better?
    I can get 5 gallons of 91% for 60$-74$ (store bought quarts) depending on where I go
    How is this place's shipping rate?
    Might pay the few extra bucks for a quicker dry..
  3. #3 SIRSOG, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    99% is superior to 91% due to less water being in it, water is the enemy when making oils

    Also.... methanol... super dangerous solvent to use unless you are 100% POSITIVE you are purging that shit 100%.... that shit metabolizes into formaldehyde in the body... and we all know how that shit treats you hahahaha

    but 5 gals of iso for 75.... thats a pretty legit deal....

    lots of places sell gallons for 30.... or more... which is fucking bullshit to the maximum
  4. go to your local petroleum dist for good price on iso or methanol
  5. *facedesk* THANK you. Going to looks for stores about here for pricing; just hadn't though about going local other than supermarkets. Lets see if 99 goes for less, without shipping! haha

  6. sirsog i would never use methnol to make hash(and dont recomend it at all)... i also make bio-diesel for my truck and use the menthnol for processing the waste vegtable oil ..
  7. Now if you do the hexane wash, would it matter whether you use 91 or 99 if the hexane filters everything? Just wanna know before I go out and buy a bucket of this stuff, haha
  8. [quote name='"1sttimegrower"']

    Now if you do the hexane wash, would it matter whether you use 91 or 99 if the hexane filters everything? Just wanna know before I go out and buy a bucket of this stuff, haha[/quote]

    .... you mean the water wash?

    You need to redissolve the oil in hexane, and mix that with water in a separatory funnel and shake to remove the water soluble compounds
  9. exactly; so would it matter 91 vs 99 if you take that extra step?

  10. Nope, not really hahahahha. You could soak that shit in iso for 10 mins and do a water wash and get a legit oil when you finish... the water wash would take a while though, and you would need to change the water many times hahahahha

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