Here are the official photos that show Obama's inauguration crowd was bigger than Trump's

Discussion in 'Politics' started by well highdrated, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. #1 well highdrated, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    Park Service photos challenge Trump on inauguration | Daily Mail Online

    A Park Service official said that four of the photos were forwarded to the White House after Trump made an unusual call to acting Park Service director Michael Reynolds on the day after the inauguration asking him to produce the images taken by agency photographers, the Post reported in late January. The president believed the photos might prove the media lied in its reporting.

    So he had to go on a rampage about this shit, and of course the facts proved him wrong again.
    All this drama over absolutely nothing... This is like watching pinky and the brain.. what shall we investigate today?... There is a monster under my bed, placed by Obama .. going to Florida!

    edit: updated link which has all the photos.
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  2. So what you are saying is the Park service is in on the lie?

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  3. Sleeping sheep think for your self not what they tell you
  4. There was check points closed down due to protesters, a large sum of people was in the streets that wanted to be in the event, and the over head picture of trumps was taken before the event actually started.
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  5. one "reality" photo? but even there (if it's really a photo from trump's inauguration) you can see that the last lot is pretty much empty, although really poorly visible from this angle, the white tarp is clearly there it just looks like a small area because of the perspective. overall it looks like the shot of the first three "areas" where the crowd gathered. first one is full, second is a little empty on the right side (in this shot you can even make out individual figures, there's a fair amount of space between people), next one is fuller and last one is mostly empty. that's exactly what the other and official photos show as well. you need to do better detective work.

    i updated the link with the full gallery of official photos. see if there are any crowds in the streets or nearby. again facts are there but one inaccurate photo in your opinion disproves all of them. go look at 50 other photos.

    my point again, why are we wasting time on this shit? doesn't the president have anything better to focus on?
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  6. #6 BelowTheInfluence, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    The top photo is from The New York Times and the bottom photo is from CNN. check that out.
    I do think Obama's inaugurations was bigger for various reasons. Only 4% of the people in Washington DC voted for Trump, 91% for Obama, weather, and Obama was the first black president so of course that will draw a larger crowd.
    The issue I have is false representation of how small the crowd was.
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  7. Probably had someting to do with you making the thread I would think.

    And you are delusional if you think the angle makes it that hard to determine the first photo is different.

    Zoom in and look at the damn poles. The only section that isnt full is well after the last poll.

    But i guess you are seeing what you want to see.

    Would I rather he focused on doing a good job? Of course. But if he isnt fuckin shit up I say he is still one upping most of them. Or do you think he is fuckin shit up and he should devote more time to that?

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  8. Photos or no photos, I think aside from a few die-hard fringe groups, Trump is the least popular/liked president we've had in a while.
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  9. #9 well highdrated, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    i mean "we" as a country... this forum is for wasting time the last i checked, not exactly the most productive use of everyone's time.

    well, i guess all those people were late to see his speech then, because by the time they filled up all that space, trump was already done. also where did they come from? the surrounding streets and areas are empty. you can clearly see this from many aerial shots.
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  10. #10 well highdrated, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    sure i'll play along...
    you're right the last section after the last pole isn't full at all. that's the one that seen in both photos. the "reality" photo has a pretty bad angle to see the last section.
    the one before it is relatively full especially on the left. that is seen in all aerial photos (maybe in the initial one the crowd is thin there, but then you can see it gets fuller). the next one is mostly empty on right and fuller on the left and very first one is really full.

    there are 4 clearly visibly areas with groups of people in the "reality" photo. there are 5 (or maybe 6) areas in the areal shot.. so where did the other one go in the reality shot? or do you think an "extra" empty section was photoshopped in all the other photos to make the crowd seem smaller?
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  11. Go here it is a interactive panoramic picture of the one on the bottom.
  12. Yep...who cares about crowd size...I will go to his impeachment hearings
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  13. It'll be YUGE.
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  14. With his personality and hip fire mentality that is possible, but I hope he fine tunes himself instead of wrecking himself.
    You forgot a couple of u's
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  15. You know, at first I forecast he would be gone in under 3 yrs...Now with all he tries...he will step over the line and be tried by year's end! Sessions will probably go next, and this is unprecedented...2 Cabinet appointed gone in under 90 days!
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  16. Yeah...another waste of $$ and resources! Maybe the newer generatrion will learn to think for themselves...
  17. It is looking grim for our new generations they only follow memes and or whatever is on their social medias, and they look no further into any bit of what they blindly follow.
    It is too early to tell if Trump is going to be a waste.
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  18. #18 well highdrated, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    yes, i've seen it. it's a photo taken from about the same angle from which trump saw millions of people. but when you look at it from above (as in the aerial shots) the perspective changes.

    here's something about photography and perspectives if you don't get what i'm saying.


    her ass it's as tall as a building!
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  19. If you used that zoom option you would see they are crammed in there. Look at the distance from each individuals head. That last section didn't have a monitor either so that's why barely anyone is occupying that area.
  20. really? zoom in all the way to the building. the last speaker pole looks really close to the building, but in the aerial shot you can see that the distance is actually pretty large. you can also see a few people on that white tarp. it's just impossible to tell the length of that section in the gigapixel shot because of the perspective. in your "reality" photo the last speaker pole looks like it's sticking out of the roof of the building, but it's actually pretty far from it.

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