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Herbal Tea with Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheGreenHornet, May 29, 2011.

  1. Heya guys, quick question. I've heard of spices and herbs being sold which you can put into a cup of tea which can produce certain psychedelic highs and things of the like. Can you put weed into a cup of hot water and obtain the same high?
  2. Weed and water won't work. You would have to make it with your tea and add butter. Let it steep for like 3 times as long as regular tea.
  3. you can use milk/honey and use that for tea.

    i suggest you look up a recipe for "bhang". its the shit

    check he edible section, hundreds of great recipes.
  4. Would you mind giving me a step-by-step guide on how to do that?
  5. Ah thanks, i'll check out the edibles.
  6. i've heard that weed makes a great tea...
  7. 1. Boil water
    2. Add weed and tea to cup
    3. Pour boiling water over weed/tea with tsp butter
    4. Steep (the longer the better.. like an hour)
    5. If desired, add an ounce of milk (increases potency)

    The amt of weed to add is debatable and may depend on the strain or quality. Don't forget to strain out the loose weed.
  8. There's a few types of butter in the house, we've got olivio margarine, whipped butter, and i think one other kind. Does it matter what type of butter i use?

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