Just starting to really use this site to share ideas and information. It's a shame that our freedom is so limited around the world and by who.... MEN IN SUITS! I work construction. "Blue Collar" lifestyle is a hard life. You're tellin me I can't indulge in the ONE thing I enjoy... Not alcohol, or PILLS or even CIGS!!... NOOO Just a magical natural occurring plant that has so much seen and UNSEEN potential. Is it ment to be like this... I'm not sure. But I can't stand to be put in a category as a "drug user" when I'm cleaner than most! I hope that someday I won't have to grow in a closet but in my own backyard... along with other neighbors. Why pay for things WE can grow!? There won't be a shortage in fuel, trees or relaxed vibes if we start the revolution! Love and respect!