I have been using hemp seed oil for about a month now. You can pick it up at most natural food or health stores. I have not used eye drops once since using hemp oil. It's proven omega 3, 6, 9 are extremely beneficial for your entire body. I consume 2 tablespoons a day orally, then I put one drop on my fingers before going to bed and rub it on my eyes, its a little un-comfortable but eyes are always pearly white. Doesn't matter how much you smoke. It is very good alternative to eye drops. That's my review and input on Hemp seed oil. P.S. Nutiva is a good brand to look into.
yeah I used to take hemp seed oil but now I take flax seed. I think Hemp is actually a bit more balanced as far as ratio of omega 3:6:9 and thus better than flax (not to mention it tastes hella better...ugh flax seed oil tastes like shittt). I also take fish oil now which provides lots of omega 3s.
I have been taking hemp seed oil recently but I can't stand the taste, until I came about this product on amazon called ''Cannoleum'' Hemp Seed Oil Capsules. Great product highly recommend for hemp seed oil users. Organic Hempseed Oil
I LOVE hemp seeds. I reccomend, OP, to eat whole hempseeds instead of the oil. It's better for you IMO. Try to reduce your intake of refined foods (which oil is)...getting fats from whole foods is much better. I have been supplementing with flax oil recently only because I went on a juice fast and wasn't eating solids. I'm still using it because I still haven't added nuts and seeds back into my diet...just fruits and veggies for now. I just today started adding sprouts back into my diet. I have to be careful and let my digestive system reboot. It takes about a week or so before I can go back to eating a full range of foods... Oh an btw if you pick up the hempseeds, try soaking them to remove the enzyme inhibators.
Hempseeds are free of phytates and lectins I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, and as such do not require soaking like other seeds/nuts/grains. One of the many things that makes them special.
Hmmm I think you're right actually. Although I do know that if you have the unhulled seeds you should soak and then sprout them. If you have the hulled ones they're probably fine to just go ahead and eat.
i recently found some Michelob Ultra chapstick that had 'cannabis sativa(hemp)seed oil' as one of the ingredients...passionfruit flavor, it's pretty bomb..