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Hemp Cord/string

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeybarvis, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. ive seen some people using hemp string to light their herb. does anyone know if there is a special kind to get or is it all pretty much the same?
  2. Bee line, hemp is what it is
  3. Ive never used it, but ive heard from the people that do that bee line is the best. Im curious to try it, but i feel it will just add to the mess i make pulling all my goods(smoking utensils) out.
  4. Yeah their bee-lines work great too.
  5. thanks guys. ill try out bee line
  6. bee line is the only way to go, it's a lot thinner then most other competitors.
    Ital for example has great marketing, looks cool with the rasta line of judah on it but it's much thicker.

    On that note, it improves the taste of your weed tenfold i suggest the 20-25$ big roll, should last you a couple months at least.
  7. It's great... Gives a nicer flavor if your a connoisseurs.
  8. Beeline is the way to go.

    Also ignore the dyed colour hemp wick brands, they use artificial colouring on it. Doesn't smoke well and imparts some nasty flavor to the herb.
  9. Yeah, "Beeline Organic Hemp Wick". Organic hemp coated with beeswax.

    I just picked up some today. It comes in a little cardboard thing that is similar to what matches come in. I just took it out of there and wrapped/coiled the entire thing around my lighter.

    It's good because you won't taste butane like you can sometimes from a lighter. And it's cool to know that you are smoking your marijuana with hemp lol.

  10. thats actually exactly what i plan on doing :p . i first saw the guys from The Kush Network on youtube do it and i thought it was a great idea. if you havent checked the Kush Network out you should, they make toking look like art
  11. Quoting myself; Picked up some hempwick at a local head shop. Its called ital, its all they had. I really like the flavor(no butane). Is beeline supposed to be better? In pics it looks thinner, i suppose that could be good or bad.

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