would this do ? TD-160-100 Mix Vent Fan / S&P TD Fan Kit / S&P TD Fan Kit / AquaCulture Hydroponics what carbon filter would i need for it
Meters. The link to the fan is from a U.K. store. In the link its just a ventalation fan no carbon filter included. His tent is probably around 4X4X6. Maybe a little less on the length and width in feet.
you would be better with this 4"INLINE RUCK EXTRACTOR FAN CARBON FILTER KIT GROW TENT | eBay but i would go with a 6 inch fan and filter, also since your from the uk you carnt go wrong with this shop http://stores.ebay.co.uk/kitbagshop?_trksid=p4340.l2563
sorry gc and yeh it is 4x4x6 and tplat do u think that would do the job i want a silent one as the tent is in my room
Apex def go 6 inch. I guarantee in the future you will wish you had a bigger fan. You can put a speed controller on it to slow it down if you want. If you get a bigger fan you can always upgrade lights, and not have to buy a new fan. Go for a combo deal. Amazon has a lot of good ones. How's your auto's looking? Harvesting mine tomorrow. Haven't been around GC much lately so if it takes me a long time to respond that is why. Been cruising a new forum.
I got this link from Brotherjericho, these are by far the cheapest inline fans I've seen. 6"inline 340 cfm $50 Also, cheap carbon filters here Air Purification - TheLaShop
its stressing me out i really havent got a idea what one to get or what i need i want a silent one tho. do they bring air in and bring it out. bjjer does that one do everything it says in this pic. also todderfran there not to bad two of them really yellow leafs but other two looking realy nice i have a update somewhere on forums also make sure u get pics up !
yes that will do everything apex, but i would def put the extra 15 pound and get the 6inch fan and filter! if you buy a speed controler and turn it down to half way it will be alot quieter than the 4 inch and still pull the same cfm as the 4! also you dont really need the fan blowing air into your tent, just use a passive intake where your fan and filter combo will suck fresh air in naturally.