
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by arbryan71, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. My name is Adam Bryan. I am a daily user of medical Marijuana for my Adhd and Bi Polar disorder. I have recently moved from CO to Florida. I have tried literally 50 prescriptions for my diseases in the past, all in which failed to help me. By my therapists recommendation, about a year ago I tried marijuana. I have never done better in my life now that I smoke one marijuana cigarette about an hour before bed. I searched for years for relief and found it.

    Now living in FL, I became aware that there are no laws that allow me to access any marijuana. I am starting to do poorly again and becoming somewhat desperate in my search for my medicine. If your organization could help me, it would be deeply appreciated. My contact information is listed below. Please contact me Asap, as I don't know what I'm going to do.

    Kind Regards,
    Adam Bryan
  2. CTRL+ALT+DELETE:wave:

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