
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kumar001, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. hey guys i am new to this Growing thing!!
    so i need some help!! my first grow is sativa.
    The plant is grown outside in Daylight!! total length is Approx. 2.5 feet !
    u can see much in the pic and tell me what to do Now!!
    i don't know the little thing about that!!plz help:D
    the condition of the whole plant is getting worst day by day!!!



  2. Hard to tell what you mean but I can clearly see a spider web near the top
    You should check the plant for pest
    Also she may be a little hungry ;)
    Good luck
  3. lol you cann actually see the spider in the pic
  4. How long have you been growing it? What week is it on?
  5. yeah guys u can see spider !!! but dont make fun of that !! plz i need some real help otherwise that baby turn into trash !! :(
    today i saw many white hairs on that BUD.:eek:
    week is 5 or 6th
  6. Keep the spider...........he's a helpful, eats nasties.
    I cant tell what you are concerened about from the pic.
    Be aware that as the plant flowers it's going to look a little different.
    Post up some different pics if you need more help. Keep reading and learning.
    peace B
  7. Okay I think he means how the white hairs are now turning redish at the tips
    If that is the case then its normal :D

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