
Discussion in 'General' started by KeeneGreen, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. #1 KeeneGreen, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]So I am currently living with my parents in Things have come to a head and all three of us agree our relationship would be better if I was not living under their roof. I was recently laid off (Seasonal restaurant) And I need to find a job so I can find a house a near it, so I can move out.

    I have 1 year of college, some construction experience (roofing/ property
    [FONT=&quot]maintenance) and a decent amount of general restaurant knowledge (Prep/Dish)

    I am a hard worker, although I do have long hair and tend to not shave unless asked by my employer. :D

    I am 19 years old and If any of you blades living in the NH, MI, or MA regions (even elsewhere...) See hiring signs, I would love a tip. Also, while I realize this is a long shot, if anyone in the city would like to hire me, I would be open for discussion.

    Pretty much any help anyone can offer, even advice would be greatly appreciated. Life has begun to move quickly, and I need to stay on my feet.:rolleyes:

    My favorite city, I ask you now for help.

    If any of this is in violation of any rules I'm sorry, just kill the thread. I still have newspapers and such. :(
  2. #2 sikander, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    I would suggest taking the initiative on that and just cutting your hair short and staying clean-shaven. Employers don't like to have to ask their employees about things like that, and it gives you a slight boost when looking for a job, because if you have long hair and aren't shaven (or at least trimmed) then many employers think: lazy slob.

    It's silly but it's the way it is.
  3. I realize, which is why I shave before leaving to go job hunting. But I am growing my hair out for dreads (religious reasons) and cutting is simply not an option.
  4. Are you actually Rastafarian or do you just like dreadlocks and weed so you say it's for religion?
  5. put it in one of those awesome hats that tucks it all up in a ball when you go in? just apply EVERYWHERE. its easier to find a better job once you have a job
  6. Yeah he's right. This reminds me of the time that me and pawlywog had gone to that tavern when we were in dublin and you ended up cremating that horse that you and i had bet on earlier in the day while visiting that old one-armed man down by the swamp where we had grave robbed the bones of a parrot that had once belonged to One-eyed Willy.
  7. Good luck finding a job with dreds.
  8. those were the days.. wasn't that a few days before we ran into that nasty hooker who took us to meet that sketchy eye patch guy who took us on that boat ride out to that weird island where they had been clubbing baby seals?
  9. I've wondered about the facial hair thing. But honestly I've come to the conclusion is your facial hair is well grown in and trimmed it can look just as good if not better on some people.
  10. No I am not Rastafarian. I believe that Jesus died for me. But the dreads are my own symbol of commitment to the fact that I have to represent him all the time, Forever.

    I don't actually have them yet...:( But I realize it will get harder... I figure people have dreads, and those people have jobs so someone is employing them...
  11. well it serves you right then. get your ass out of bumchip park and do something about your situation with the fearies
  12. I would say get a job, even if you dont like it, for minimum wage, so you can save a little money while looking for a real job. You should look into roofing, because that is a pretty good thing, my friend's dad owns his own business. You could make a career out of that, and they are construction workers. As long as you dont bitch about manual labor, they will hire you.
  13. Helping feed and clothe the homeless might be a better way of displaying your commitment than letting your hair get nappy. :confused_2:
  14. #14 KeeneGreen, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010

    I did roof for a while and loved it... As for bitching about manual labor.. I live for it.. I'd rather be outside working hard then sitting in a chair for hours.. And my problem is finding a job... it's not like I haven't taken jobs that I didslike... there is just nothing available.. even the McD's and BK's are full...

    I can't even feed or clothe myself, how would I go about doing that? (Hence the thread about not having a job/needing a job:rolleyes:) My hair is just a constant reminder to myself to behave better... such as feeding and clothing the homeless :D Although more directed towards watching my tongue and loving others...
  15. Just to update... Because I can, I got a job as a wait for it..

    Vacuum cleaner salesperson....:confused:

    But it does love lots of time for my special girl....:smoke:

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