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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by itsAnubis, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Im new to the city but ive been smoking for some time but always outside. I was wodering if i smoke in my room then blow it out the window and then right after light an incense stick will the odor go away?
  2. ???????

  3. as long as its not a joint/blunt yes. i do the same thing you get a small oder but air freshener or incense overpower it. sometimes i smoke a cigg after too so that masks the smell too
  4. You could also use a sploof for added protection but I think that should be good enough.
  5. Depends on what strain. Some strains are really pungent and others have a light smell. I blow the smoke out a window or smoke in the bathroom with the vent on then use odor killer. The window works best but make sure your neighbors dont care or they will bust you.
  6. Smoke is smoke.
  7. So you think i should blow it out the window with a sploof?
  8. The sploof will help, but if you're too lazy to make one like me, just blow out the window, turn on a fan, light an incense, and spray some frebreeze and you'll be fine. and leave the window open for a bit just to be safe.
  9. I blow it out the window through a sploof and i have an inscense burning while im doing it and all you can smell is the you should be good..just make a sploof
  10. Alright tomorrows wake and bake should be fun :)
  11. Yup, or you can just get febreze.
  12. ive smokin blunts and joints in my room not even next to the window i have a pretty big room all i do is lay on my bed and my frends get som chairs turn on the fan open a window then after ur done just spray some lysol spary or a like cinnomon order remover smell goes rite away
  13. Also 1 more question if i blow it from the sploof into an old tshirt how will that go
  14. That won't really do much except make the t-shirt smell like smoke. The dryer sheets in a sploof work by filtering the smoke through the sheets, allowing it to pick up some of the smell of the dryer sheets. This, in turn, makes the Cannabis smoke no longer smell as much like Cannabis smoke.

    No need to blow it through a t-shirt, it would be waste of time and effort. ;)
  15. But i dont wanna open my window..
  16. Do you have a fan in your bathroom?

    Smoke in your bathroom, and exhale through the sploof. Blow the smoke towards the fan. Turn on the shower on high heat, and let it steam up the room. Spray some air freshener, or burn some incense. Keep the fan on for a few minutes after you leave the bathroom.

    All done, no window involved. You can even stick towels underneath the edge of the door(s).
    Do you feel comfortable with that?
  17. I think i might just blow it through the sploof into the shirt because im gonna stay in my room..
  18. I wouldn't recommend the shirt, mainly because it is a ludicrous idea, but if it helps you visually, then I will not demote it.

    If you exhale into a shirt, you may not see as much smoke visually at first, but the molecules are still there. The smoke will assimilate into the air in your room either way
  19. So you think i should just open the window anyways? To be on the safe side..
    Also wouldnt the incense burning in the room be enough to kill the smell?

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