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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Surfer36, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Basically im home from college. a friends coming over tonight and we planned on going for a drive and smoking a blunt... But i broke my leg today and im staying at my parents house. His car is still back at school...

    So basically im looking for a way to blaze in my house in some way. I do have a dugout which helps, but i can't really leave my house.

    Broken legs fail.
  2. youre cant smoke.... ever
  3. Hahahaha, i'm crafty... I'll come up with some way. Im just looking for some advice before i both coming up with some retarded plan.
  4. there's about a thousand old posts about how to smoke inside discreetly. I recommend doing a search.

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