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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by darkstar0422, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. Hey all, still working on that first grow, and I'm a bit worried, my baby's showing some yellow spots on one of the lower leaves, and a couple lower leaves are curing upward. I just fertilized her a couple days ago, but i was careful to use less than half of what the box recommends to avoid nute burn. Here's some pictures, any advice is appreciated







    Also, i realize the soil's a bit barky, I used Expert Gardener perfect mix potting soil. Any other brands of soil I might want to use for future grows? (I have three white rhino seeds that I'd like to get started) Thanks all :)
  2. it looks like you over ferted to me. what types f nutes are you using. as for soild i would go with fox farms ocean forestpotting mix. best stuff out there i think

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