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Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Alpacalypto, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. received_1612061535592933.jpeg received_1612061535592933.jpeg Hello everyone!

    So I've had one successful indoor grow, went off without a hitch. No such luck this time around. I've been struggling and killing seedlings left right and centre. This is a Barneys peyote critical that's just hanging on. Any tips would be well appreciated.

    Coco and perlite
    Canna classic half strength ( first feed yesterday)
    Sea essentials
    Oxy Plus
    Viparspectra 600w 80cm away
    It's roughly 17 Days old from popping up
  2. clear cups is a no no.....roots hate light.

    How much and how often do you water? Looks like a watering issue from first glance......just my opinion
  3. Agree with the post above clear cup=bad, do you have drainage holes in the bottom of the cup?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. #4 tooslow, Aug 27, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    Same as above; you can save it.
    Cover the cup with blue painter’s tape, i.e.
    Make sure you have GREAT drainage.
    Let the cup damn-near DRY OUT before watering.
    It ain’t dead, yet.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll tape it up asap. Watering roughly a shotglass full every other day and have drainage holes in the bottom
  6. Ok, well that cup.....and soil.....look VERY damp.....your plant looks either over or under watered....and with the cup looking like that....I would say overwatered.
  7. She's going to make it. Thanks guys! Did what you said and it's bouncing back

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