Hey guys! I'm a virgin to growing & I'm actually having SO much trouble. I have 8 sproutlings (in soil/perlite mix) held up in a small grow tent with a 400 mhp lamp. They all are turning yellow! It started with just a few but even the ones that where the greenest are starting to fade! So I must be doing something wrong. I had them on a 24/0 schedule since they sprouted and they're about 2 weeks old. They seemed to be getting overwatered because they where droopy so I only water them every like 3-4 days now and even then they droop after a day! They're barley growing now.. Some also have little spots on the leaves. Needless to say I need every bit of advice! I'm not sure if I'm actually doing anything right at this point Can post pics!
I'm going to guess your soil needs a lot more perlite for drainage and aeration, but yea, let's see some pics if you've got them.
Is that MG Organic Choice? Whatever it is I wouldn't use it again, or at least mix it with compost and perlite if you do. That stuff is almost entirely wood with a sprinkle of perlite. I would start another batch of seeds with adjusted soil, will outgrow these quickly and save you some time in the long run.
S Some of the pics dou i was thinking about just starting fresh.. It's a couple different soils since I quickly realised the one with the wood was awful and then every one I bought hasn't seemed to do much better! The plants are in 3 different soils and they're all dying.. Anything to recommend?
I use fox farms ocean forest with coco-coir, black gold and perlite mixed in. about 2 parts ocean forest, 1 part black gold, 1 part coco-coir, 1.5 parts perlite.
I mix my own supersoil but if I had to get something for immediate use I'd go straight for the happy frog. Still needs a lot of perlite but it's a very nutritious soil, brought one my plants to harvest in great health with only one feeding. There are a lot of good organic soils out there, usually all they need is extra perlite (can't stress that enough). If it doesn't look like a bunch of wood, or turn to sludge when it gets wet, then it's probably useful if you tailor it a little.
what should I be looking for in soil nutrition wise? I feel like the ones I planted in fertilised soil all got nute burn unfortunately they're aren't any specific cannabis friendly soils on the shelf here (yet)
You don't even have to use soil with nutrients in it you can just use something like promix or coco with perlite in it. just feed it right. I like the fox farms stuff, probably just because it's what i know.
Avoid anything that "feeds for 6 months", pick up something that says "organic" on the label and is of decent quality. If I wasn't sure I'd just break open a bag in the store and check it out, if it's full of wood or soggy mud move on to the next brand. If not then bring it home and try it out. If you want to mix your own here's a link that explains what to use: Easy Organic Soil Mix for Beginners
in future drill small holes in your pots before starting i normally stagger the holes dont go crazy with them that helps your medium and roots to get more air, with nutes less is better always, i feed a day miss a day always works out fine