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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Smooks714, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. So I fixed the height on my light because it was bleaching the seedling, but later on when I checked on it, it started looking like this.

    Attached Files:

  2. To hot, light to powerful for the young seedling.
  3. Aight thanks
  4. Hey do you recommend any good lights for seedlings?
  5. Just set up a cheap CFL or a "shop light" from the hardware store which is around $20. It is a fluorescent fixture and will come with two 4' bulbs.

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  6. Use cfl 6500k, I personally use 2 shop lights. Keep a good distant from plant
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  7. Sorry to bother you guys, but do you guys have an example of one, there are so many. Thanks again.
  8. [​IMG]

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  9. Any recommendation on how far i put the seedlings to it?
  10. Any clue as to how far i put the lights?
  11. Also guys, here is my quick setup for my seedlings, i still need to put the reflective material on the side, but is this good distance?
  12. Also guys, here is my quick setup for my seedlings, i still need to put the reflective material on the side, but is this good distance?
  13. Just put a transparent solo cup over it. Spray the inside of the cup with water and over the next week or so slowly introduce it back to the light by removing the cup for an hour or two each day starting on like the fourth day.
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