My mom has gone to the extreme and I expect the worst. I understand respecting one another and all that, but Monday is the day that I have the house to my self and time to do whatever. And I chose to smoke on Monday. A little backstory. I told my parents I smoke and there not dumb they know I smoke on Mondays. There reaction was not what I expected and now it seems that I live in a military type of environment. Random searches of my room at late hours. The latest edition might be more psychological then realShe might have rigged the house and outside full of audio and video servalence cameras. If that's the case im bugging. I cant imagine my life consently being observed for the next year before im away to college. So in all of grass city's wisdom. How to I search the house for hidden cameras. Granted this is the Sam lady who needs my help to turn on the tv. You think its just a bluff? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
There's no way they spent the money setting up that shit just to catch you smoking could you believe that bullshit? lmao...
Pretty wild. It'd likely be linked to a black box or your home computers. Check your computer for surveillance type programs.
you just sound paranoid to be honest with you. i really doubt your parents went through the trouble to rig your house to have you constantly under surveillance. just find a good place to store your bud, and be responsible. roll up a joint and head out for a walk.
id step back for a minute and play their little game. if youre not an extreme junkie, id stop smoking, and then FAKE. and by fake i mean, blatantly make it look like youre looking at FAKE weed and rolling FAKE blunts and see if they say anything. if not then you are clear.
r u high right now man cus that mught be why u r thinking this bsSent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
Real shit, my friend's mom put a camera up in the backyard when my friend's brother got caught smoking weed out there. I saw it lol.
They sell things in spy shops called "bug detectors" and "camera detectors"You should sniff your moms panties and get it on camera. That will show her.Omega369
Better yet, sniff the panties and then stick them in an envelope and send them to me. She will forget your ever smoked marijuana.
Your parents obviously care, and if your going away to college I'm pretty sure their funding that so respect them not all of us blades have that luxury of parents financially supporting their education.
Roll a joint and smoke it in the house. That will show total dominanceSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="GabeBrown" post="19460176" timestamp="1391469556"]My mom has gone to the extreme and I expect the worst. I understand respecting one another and all that, but Monday is the day that I have the house to my self and time to do whatever. And I chose to smoke on Monday. A little backstory. I told my parents I smoke and there not dumb they know I smoke on Mondays. There reaction was not what I expected and now it seems that I live in a military type of environment. Random searches of my room at late hours. The latest edition might be more psychological then realShe might have rigged the house and outside full of audio and video servalence cameras. If that's the case im bugging. I cant imagine my life consently being observed for the next year before im away to college. So in all of grass city's wisdom. How to I search the house for hidden cameras. Granted this is the Sam lady who needs my help to turn on the tv. You think its just a bluff? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app[/quote] thats shitty man. Search top corners of rooms or look for wires you havnt seen before. If it is wired or wireless look for a small black box. This is the camera pvr if you will. You can access any camera from this. If you dont find one you should be good. Sent from my SGH-I337M using Grasscity Forum mobile app