Okay my plant started off great now its not so good. Dark energySuper novaNeptune fish fertAnd I gave it a dose of molaasesStarted going downhill after the molasses its loosing color now and its got small brown spot on one leaf. The leaves werent dry yesterday today they are drying outAnd yellowing
A tiny plant like that does not need fed. If it is fed just super tiny amount. You are loving it to death, give it light and water.
All them nutes on that little plant? Most likely nutelock.. Might have to do a flush and wait to give her anymore nutes for a week or so
You don't give a newborn a chicken leg do you? You start of with milk. Wait until she dries out and go to plain PH'd water until she comes back. Then start out with smaller dosages of nutrients. As she gets larger you an increase the dosage.
[quote name="5cooooob" post="19377004" timestamp="1390267416"]You don't give a newborn a chicken leg do you? You start of with milk. Wait until she dries out and go to plain PH'd water until she comes back. Then start out with smaller dosages of nutrients. As she gets larger you an increase the dosage.[/quote]Damn! I bet that's why my kid ain't growing.Mj
Does she look like she is getting worse? If she is fine let her dry a bit, so you are not over watering. If she looks like she is getting worse then I'd flush asap. You probably want to flush, as when you water next time it might still be releasing nutes.